Snakes Downunder, Childers, Queensland, Australia

The next crocodile hunter

At a small reptile park in the Queensland town of Childers, I find the new crocodile hunter… just don’t call him that!

monkey and lizard

A monkey makes a meal of it

Sometimes coming face to face with nature can be brutal. Watch what happens when a monkey catches a lizard in Costa Rica.

costa rica chocolate tours

A tale of two chocolates

Two different experiences. Two different ways of approaching tourism in Costa Rica. Which would you prefer?

Nature on Lady Elliot Island, Queensland, Australia

Swimming with turtles

At the southernmost point of the Great Barrier Reef, some of the best water and coral life is around Lady Elliot Island. See for yourself!

Dorrigo National Park, NSW, Australia

The land before our time

The rainforests in this part of the world are just how scientists believe the supercontinent Gondwana would have looked – in a time when dinosaurs ruled!