cherry blossoms in japan

A blossoming patriotism

The pink and white cherry blossoms only bloom for a short time in Japan. But they carry centuries of tradition and symbolism.

Things to do in Battambang, cambodia

The Battambang Battlers

The things to do in Cambodia’s second-largest city aren’t immediately obvious but, with a good guide, you’ll find the best to see.

Battambang bamboo train, bamboo railway, Cambodia


This relic of this cheap of simple Cambodian transport system can still be experienced in one part of the country. Here at the Battambang Bamboo Train.

sihanoukville, cambodia, serendipity beach, bars, parties, backpackers in sihanoukville

Lost in their own little world

The backpacker retreat of Sihanoukville is an interesting place to watch the social interactions of the backpackers. It all centres on Serendipity Beach.