u bein bridge

On the road from Mandalay

The U Bein Teak Bridge is more than a tourist attraction for sunset. The bridge near Mandalay is used everyday by the locals – and that’s the best thing.

mandalay palace

The last king of Burma

It’s been more than a hundred years since the last Burmese King lived in the Royal Palace of Mandalay. But now it’s been restored for visitors.

sri ksetra

Getting off Scott free

During a trip to Pyay, I was able to explore the ancient Pyu city of Sri Kestra. But I learnt much more about the nature of the Myanmar people from Scott.

mount popa

High on a hill and guarded by monkeys

If you can brave the 777 steps, the monkeys, and the spirits, then the climb to the monastery at top of Mount Popa in Myanmar is a beautiful experience.

visit bagan

The incredible ancient city of Myanmar

The ancient city of Bagan was once one of the greatest cities in Myanmar – and Southeast Asia. Today it is in ruins but still an incredible place to visit.