encarnacion paraguay

The city that disappeared

The city of Encarnacion in Paraguay moved up the hill, out of the path of a flooding river. But guess what? The flooding never came and it’s a ghost town!

granja el roble

Beyond the wall…

Near the city of Concepcion in Paraguay, a German biologist has set up his own personal zoo and ecotourism lodge. But what is the story behind it all?

itaipu dam

That’s dam big!

The Itaipu Dam in Paraguay is one of the seven Engineering Wonders of the World. It was also the largest of its kind in the world until recently.

uncontacted tribes paraguay

The village where life begins again

In this story, I travel with a famous British explorer into the heart of the Paraguay jungle to find an indigenous tribe cut off from mainstream society.

indigenous people of paraguay

Land of the lost

The indigenous tribes of Paraguay have been mistreated over the years. In their words, this is their story, history and desires.

pro cosara

Saving the forests of Paraguay

Locked in battle with illegal loggers and local farmers, Pro Cosara is a small organisation trying to save the dwindling Atlantic Forest in Paraguay.