From South Africa to Namibia
From endless sand dunes, to an epic canyon. With seals and dolphins, and elephants and giraffes – this is my trip through South Africa and Namibia!
From endless sand dunes, to an epic canyon. With seals and dolphins, and elephants and giraffes – this is my trip through South Africa and Namibia!
Namibia is home to the world’s oldest desert and one of the most beautiful natural landscapes on earth.
The local dishes in the Aizu region of Japan are not only tasty, but have wonderful traditional stories behind them.
Two very different locals show me the best things to do in Graz – including the historic centre and the trendy neighbourhoods.
What do you do when there are no tickets left to see a masterpiece? Go and see a different one next door!
In the Japanese city of Aizu-Wakamatsu, the last samurai fought to defend their way of life. On a visit to Aizu, you can experience samurai life yourself.