caserta palace

Visit Caserta Palace from Naples

It may not be the most famous but the stunning 18th century complex at Caserta is actually one of the biggest royal palaces in the world!

what is naples like

What is Naples like?

In some ways, Naples was what I expected – dirty and chaotic. But, in this story, I’ll tell you why I still came to love this Italian city.

lisboa card

Is the Lisboa Card worth it?

After using it myself, I can tell you that the Lisboa Card will save you a lot of money for sightseeing in Lisbon.

lisbon tiles

Once upon a tile in Lisbon…

The tiles in Lisbon are one of the defining elements of the city. This is the history of the azulejos and how they almost disappeared in the 1900s.

park of nations lisbon

The Park of Nations

This Lisbon district along the Tagus River was developed for the Expo in 1998 but has taken on a life of its own in the 20 years since then.