tallinn old town

Tallinn’s historic centre

In the winding streets of the Old Town of Tallinn are centuries of history. The ancient fortified walls hold the highlights of a trip to Estonia’s capital.

Pintxos in San Sebastian, Spain

Don’t call it tapas!

What are pintxos and how can you make pintxos? Well, I head to San Sebastian in the Basque region to find out the answers… and eat as much as possible!

soviet statue graveyard

Dumping the soviet symbols

When the Soviets left Estonia, their statues remained. Rather than destroy them, the people of Estonia dumped some of them here in a hidden spot in Tallinn.


The views along Trolltunga

The rock known as ‘Trolltunga’ may be the main drawcard for the Trolltunga hike in Norway, but the landscapes along the way are almost as spectacular.

Thames RIB Experience, London

Feel the speed on the Thames

You get to see a different side of London from the Thames. Add in a high speed boat and it’s a unique experience for tourists and locals!