Things to see in Hanoi, Vietnam

Things to do in Hanoi

As Vietnam’s capital, some of the country’s most important monuments are here. But Hanoi also has some special local experiences.

bongani mountain lodge

The eyes and the mouth of safari

On safari in South Africa there are two people with me for every trip – Jabu the spotter and Skigh the ranger. The two couldn’t be from more different backgrounds.

prettiest street in hanoi

The prettiest street in Hanoi

Amongst the chaos of Hanoi there is one street that really stood out for me. But I coudn’t at first put my finger on why I thought it was so beautiful!

things to do in braamfontein

The hipster Johannesburg

Johannesburg may be Africa’s most visited city but it’s also got a bad reputation. Now a largescale renewal project is changing that – and making it cool!

trang an boat tour

The inland Ha Long Bay

The Trang An Landscape in Vietnam is often called the ‘Inland Halong Bay’. Here’s what it’s like to take a boat trip amongst the mountains and in the caves.

stellenbosch art

Reflections of Stellenbosch

The aim of the public sculpture exhibition in the South African city of Stellenbosch is to make art accessible to everyone – and stimulate reflections.