baden baden casino

A royal plush

It’s been described as the world’s most beautiful casino. It may not have the size of Las Vegas, but Baden-Baden makes up for that in glamour.

things to do in freiburg

Looking down in Freiburg

In Freiburg, you don’t look up. You need to look down. It’s on the streets and footpaths of the Germany city that the highlights lie.

feldberg hiking

The Black Forest turns white

The snow has come early this year, turning the Black Forest in Germany white. Check out these images of the trees as the seasons change.

working at europa park

Life is a rollercoaster

It was always a dream of Kevin Kruschwitz’s to be surrounded by rollercoasters. Through a life of ups and downs, he’s made that dream come true!

hohenzollern castle

Visit Hohenzollern Castle

The ancestral home of the Prussian Kings has not been a residence for centuries. But it’s a beautiful reminder of the family who once controlled Germany.

pig museum stuttgart

The Pig Museum in Stuttgart

It sounds odd, but this is no porkie. The world’s largest pig museum is right here in Stuttgart, and it certainly hams things up!