visit chichen itza

How to visit Chichen Itza

Close to the coast, Chichen Itza is one of the most popular Mayan ruins in Mexico, and it lives up to the hype!

umm ar rasas

A Stylite Tower and a mosaic map

Um er-Rasis is one of Jordan’s World Heritage Sites but few tourists see it. When you visit, you’ll discover the amazing story of the Stylite Tower!

things to do in lumbini

The birthplace of Buddha

A temple marks the exact spot where Buddha was born more than 2500 years ago, starting the journey of a man who would change the world!

mt fuji world heritage

Worshipping Mount Fuji

Mt Fuji is now a World Heritage Site – but it’s more than just the mountain. It’s the history and spirituality of Mt Fuji that’s protected.