Damn, that tram is crammed!

It seems like a great idea but the Tram 28’s popularity has also ruined it for everyone. Luckily, I’ve got a solution!

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.


How to beat the queues for the Tram 28 in Lisbon

I've put together a suggestion for how to avoid the wait for the Tram 28 in Lisbon: Walk the route!

Not only will you see all the same sights, but you'll actually be able to pop in and visit them. Then you can catch the tram back to the start (which is much less crowded).

Often when we arrive in a city, we take some time to plan what we want to see and how to get between those sights. Or maybe, not knowing what the best itinerary would be, we join a guided tour that can lead us around the highlights.

But what if a city had already created the perfect sightseeing path. Not for tourists, though. Just by accident.

Well, that’s what happened in Lisbon, with one of the city’s public transportation routes – the Tram 28. It was designed to be convenient for the residents, but it ended up going past many of Lisbon’s most important landmarks.

The problem, though, is that the route of Lisbon’s Tram 28 is a little too perfect!

Tram 28 Lisbon route

Lisbon used to be full of tram lines but they’ve slowly disappeared over the years as the city’s underground metro system was built and expanded. Trams have mainly been kept in areas where the metro can’t be built – up hills, for example. So there are only five lines left across the city.

One of these, the tram 28 Lisbon line, was developed in 1914 and was designed to take residents from the central Baixa district to neighbourhoods like Graca and Estrela. Unfortunately, these trams have become effectively useless for locals in the past few years for one simple reason – tourists!

Because the tram goes past so many sights and charming neighbourhoods, it’s now used by international visitors as a way to see the city.

Why is the Tram 28 in Lisbon famous?

Although the Tram 28 is just a normal line of public transportation in Lisbon, it happens to go past many of the city’s most significant landmarks in districts like Alfama, Baixa, and Estrela. Because the route also uses some heritage-style tram carriages, it’s become a popular tourist attraction in the city.

How long is the wait for the Tram 28 in Lisbon?

Because the Tram 28 offers a very good value city tour, with a little slice of heritage, there are usually long lines to get on. It’s not uncommon for people to wait more than an hour to get on the Tram 28, and in the busy tourist seasons the queue could take more than two hours!

Does the Lisboa Card include the Tram 28?

Yes, because the Lisboa Card includes public transportation in Lisbon, it also includes the Tram 28. But because the tram ride is already so affordable, it’s not a good use of the card. I’ve got some better tips here for how to save money with the Lisboa Card.

If you’ve ever read a guide on the things you must do in Lisbon, I bet that “catch the tram 28” was on there. And it does sound good – a tour of the city for just €3.20 if you buy onboard or €1.50 with a prepaid transport card.

Here’s the problem, though. Because every tourist thinks it’s the thing to do, there are usually large queues to get on at the starting point of the tram 28. And I mean LARGE queues.

Tram 28 Lisbon route

The trams come on average every 10 minutes and can only seat about 20 people with maybe another 30 standing.

You will often have to wait more than an hour to get on a tram. During busy tourist periods, you could easily be waiting for two hours or more.

And then, once you’re on board, you’ll probably be uncomfortably squeezed in like sardines for much of the trip.

Is this really how you want to spend your short time in Lisbon?

Still… the trams are an essential part of Lisbon’s character, a little slice of everyday life with historical context and photogenic allure. It is nice to be able to find a connection with them – without dealing with all the hassle.

Tram 28 Lisbon route

One option is to catch the Tram 28 as part of this guided tour, which will take some of the hassle out of it all.

But I would like to offer you an alternative that I think is much better. I would suggest that you instead WALK the Tram 28 route. This way you don’t just rush past the sights, you’ll also get to pop in and have a look, or spend a moment taking a photo.

The route is about seven kilometres long. You’ll be able to walk the whole thing before you would even have reached the start of the queue on a busy day, you’ll see more, and you won’t feel crushed in the crowded carriage.

Planning your walk along the Tram 28 route

Let me now give you some practicalities. You’ll see on the map below that the route can be divided into two sections on either side of the central Baixa district. This means that you could either walk the entire length or you could choose to walk the Tram 28 route in two parts.

Tram 28 Lisbon route

The first is to the east of Baixa, a loop through Alfama and Graça that brings you almost back to where you started. This section is packed full of landmarks that are worth seeing.

The second is to the west of Baixa, going through Ciado and Estrela. In this section, the sights tend to be a bit more spaced out so you’ll be able to walk it a bit faster.

If you’ve got time and don’t mind a bit of exercise, my suggestion would be to do the whole route, starting at Martim Moniz and heading up into Graca, before passing through Alfama, Baixa, Chiado, and Estrela!

There’s so much to see, you could easily spend most of the day along this path. Grab lunch at one point for a rest, and maybe a drink or a coffee another time, and it’s a wonderful way to see Lisbon and get under its skin a little.

Once you get to the end of the route, you’ll find a much shorter queue to get on Tram 28 for the return journey – meaning you’ll get the bonus of still being able to experience a ride on the remodelado carriage!!

A map of Lisbon’s Tram 28 route

I’ve put together this map of where Tram 28 goes and also marked it with the most important tourist attractions along the way. You’ll notice that different types of sights are colour-coded differently.

If you do decide to walk the route of the tram 28, I would suggest you load up this map on your phone. You won’t get lost if you just follow the tracks – but having the map loaded will help you not miss any of the sights.

To also help guide you on your Tram 28 walking tour of Lisbon, I’ve included the different tram stops on the map, so you can keep track (pun intended) of where you are.

If you would prefer not to walk the route yourself, here are some other options:

Things to see on the Tram 28 in Lisbon

There are so many sights you can see from the Tram 28, and you’ll likely not want to visit all of them – but I enjoyed knowing what I was walking past.

To try to help you with your walk, or just your planning to actually ride the Tram 28, I’ve put together this list of Tram 28 attractions based on the stops along the route.

Martim Moniz

The Tram 28 starting point is at Martim Moniz Square, named after a 12th century knight who died after he lodged himself in the door of Lisbon’s St George’s Castle so his army would be able to get in and reclaim it from the Moors.

There is some public art here – including a representation of the city’s old wall – and some street food stalls. It’s not my favourite part of the city but it can be quite fun when the atmosphere is right.

R Palma

Here, you’ll go past the Chafariz do Intendente monument, which is a limestone fountain built in 1823.

Also, take note of the Cervejaria Ramiro restaurant. It’s famous for its seafood and there are often long lines to get in. I have eaten there and would recommend it for a special meal where you would like to splash out on shellfish.

Igreja Anjos

After this stop, you’ll be able to see the church Igreja Dos Anjos (Parish of Our Lady of the Angels). The baroque interior is from the 1600s and has been well-preserved. Although it’s relatively small, it has some lovely details worth having a look at.

Igreja Dos Anjos, Lisbon


At the top of the hill, you’ll find yourself at a nice local square with a cafe that has outdoor seating, if you would like a break. Of particular note here are three large street art pieces. One of them, of a female soldier, is done by artist Shepard Fairey, who is famous for the Obama ‘Hope’ piece.

Street Art, Lisbon

R. Graça

I would highly recommend you take a small detour here to walk up to the viewpoint of Miradouro de Nossa Senhora do Monte. I think this is one of the best viewpoints in Lisbon and you get a great sense of the city from here.

Graca Viewpoint, Lisbon


Before you head down the hill after this stop, take a moment to walk over and have a look from the viewpoint of Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

It’s also worth having a look at the Igreja e Convento da Graça (Church and Convent of Graça). The church has wonderful gilded woodwork while the convent has some rather gory depictions of Christian martyrs being killed around the world!

Graca Monastery, Lisbon

Graça overall is a really interesting neighbourhood that has a local atmosphere without yet being overrun by tourists. I’ll be publishing a guide on what to see and do there soon.

Voz Operário

You won’t be able to miss the enormous Igreja da Sao Vicente de Fora (Church of St Vincent Outside the Walls) further down the hill. It was one of the most important religious sites in medieval Portugal. There is a fee to go into the museum here.

Behind the church, you’ll find the Feira da Ladra flea market that operates on Tuesdays and Saturdays. It has some long-established stalls but also some makeshift ones selling items that I suspect were not acquired legally.

More importantly, you’ll also find the National Pantheon here. The inside of the building is very impressive, but the highlight is being able to climb up to the terrace at the top for amazing 360-degree views of this part of Lisbon. There is a fee to get in.

National Pantheon, Lisbon

R. Escolas Gerais

As you turn the corner after this stop, you’ll have the option of heading up to the Igreja do Menino Deus (Church of Baby Jesus). It’s a very important baroque church with beautiful paintings that survived the 1755 earthquake

You will be lucky to see inside, though, because it’s only open on Wednesdays between 10:00 – 12:30.

Igreja do Menino Deus, Lisbon

It’s from this point of the Tram 28 route that you would also take a detour to go up to St George’s Castle, one of the most prominent landmarks in the city (although it’s not as obvious when you come from this direction).

Lg. Portas Sol

You might like to take a moment to rest at the viewpoint of Miradouro das Portas do Sol here. You get a good view back at the tops of the Igreja da Sao Vicente de Fora and National Pantheon from here. The little kiosk is a decent place to get a coffee or a cool drink.

Miradouro das Portas do Sol, Lisbon

Miradouro Sta. Luzia

As you come down the hill, with Alfama on your left, the area becomes packed with landmarks and there are lots of little things you may like to stop and look at.

Of particular note in this stretch, up a little side street, is the Roman Theatre (managed by the Museum of Lisbon).

You can actually see the ruins of the theatre here with a bit of a description for free. If you want to find out more details or see the foundations, you can pay to go into the museum.

Roman Theatre, Lisbon


Along here, you’ll see the Museum of the Aljube. It takes you through the political story of the resistance to the dictatorship in Portugal in the 1900s. The building has been a prison for much of its life, including as a political prison during the period the exhibition covers. There is a fee for admission.

In front of you will be the most important church in the city, the Sè (Lisbon Cathedral). It has an impressive facade and the interior is very impressive in its scale.

The first version of the cathedral was built in 1147 but has been changed many times over the years. You can clearly see the original Romanesque design in the lack of colourful decorations, for instance.

Lisbon Cathedral

Just down the hill is the Igreja de Santo António (Church of St Anthony). He is one of the most important saints in Portugal and this is said to be the location where he was born in 1195. You can go down in the crypt to see that exact spot!

Church of St Anthony, Lisbon

Next door is the Santo António Museum which has a small exhibition about St Anthony and the representations of his life in religious art and culture. There is a fee for admission.

R. Conceição

This stop is in the centre of Baixa and it’s the point where I would recommend you start either the eastern or western sections of the Tram 28 route if you don’t want to do the whole thing.

Baixa, Lisbon

From here, you can go off in any direction to explore different parts of Baixa, including the Rua Augusta Arch, Praça do Comércio, and the Museum of Design and Fashion.

Lg. Academia Nacional Belas Artes

As you come up into one of the artistic areas of Lisbon, you’ll see a few small galleries that may be of interest to you.

The main art hub here is the National Museum of Contemporary Art, which always has a few interesting exhibitions of modern art related to Portugal. There is a fee for admission.

National Museum of Contemporary Art, Lisbon


Now you’re in the centre of Ciado, there’s lots to see and do. From here you’ll see the main shopping street of Rua Garrett with famous brand stores. There are more small art galleries here. And there’s the beautiful A Brasileira cafe.

You’ll be able to see a couple of churches. I would suggest having a look inside the Church of Encarnação (Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation). The sculpture on the main altar is magnificent, as are the tiles and painted ceiling.

Church of Encarnação, Lisbon

Pç. Luis Camões

Passing through the Praça Luis de Camões, take a moment to appreciate how beautiful it is. This square is a favourite with locals and you’ll often see people meeting here or just hanging out in groups.

It’s also a meeting spot for a lot of the free walking tours that you’ll see advertised. The square is named after a famous Portuguese poet from the 16th century (the Shakespeare of Portugal if you will).

This is the spot where you could make a detour in Bairro Alto if you would like to explore that neighbourhood in a bit more detail.

Calhariz (Bica)

The highlight here is the funicular that goes up and down the hill. It’s got a beautiful location that, as you’ll notice, is very popular with photographers.

You can jump on and take a ride up or down if you want. You can buy a ticket on board, but it will be half the price to use a prepaid transport card.

Funicular, Lisbon

From here, rather than just continuing along the street, I would suggest taking a little detour to the left to go and see the viewpoint of Miradouro de Santa Catarina.

It’s not the best view in the city but it does give you a good vantage point of the Tagus River. It’s also a really relaxing spot to stop for a drink if you need a rest.

St Caterina Viewpoint, Lisbon

Sta Catarina

The Igreja de Santa Catarina (Church of St Catherine) is one of the best examples of the baroque style from the 16th century. It’s a large, beautiful church, with particular features of note being the stucco ceiling in rococo style and the monumental organ in gilt carving.

St Catherines Church, Lisbon

If you’re doing the walk in the afternoon, you might also like to check out the Park rooftop bar in this stretch. It’s above a car park and the entrance isn’t obvious. Look for the elevator just inside the parking station and head to the top level.

Park Bar, Lisbon

Cç Combro

OK, just a personal side note here. If you’re craving an Australian-style coffee, there’s a fantastic little cafe here called The Mill that will make you a flat white just like you’re used to! (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just continue on…)

R. Poiais S. Bento

The enormous building here seems to come out of nowhere and gave me a bit of a shock the first time I saw it. It’s the Palácio de São Bento, now home to the Parliament of Portugal.

It became the government headquarters in 1834 and was a monastery from the 16th century before that. You can’t go inside but you can walk along the front.

Parliament Building, Lisbon

Also take note of the great piece of street art here of a multicultural face, done by an artist called Drawing Jesus.


The neighbourhood of Estrela is not always on the radar of visitors to Lisbon, but I think it has one of the most impressive sights on the Tram 28 route – the Estrela Basilica, which is one of the best churches in Lisbon.

Construction started on the Estrela Basilica in 1779 and is enormous. The front of the church has two bell towers and then there’s the large dome. The interior is incredible enough, but if you want more, you can also have a look at the famous nativity scene with more than 500 different figures in it.

Estrela Basilica, Lisbon

Across from the church is the Estrela Garden. There’s nothing particularly special about it but it’s a lovely peaceful spot where you might like to have a bit of a rest. There’s a kiosk in the park that serves food and drink.

Igreja Sto Condestável

If you’re not sick of churches by now, I would suggest you have a look at one last one – the Igreja de Santo Condestável (Church of Saint Constable). It’s a local church that was only opened in 1951. It has a lovely design with some impressive stained-glass windows.

Igreja de Santo Condestável, Lisbon

Campo Ourique (Prazeres)

And finally, you’ve made it to the last stop!

The main sight to see here is the Prazeres Cemetery. It’s the largest cemetery in Lisbon and had a rather inauspicious start, being created in 1833 after a cholera epidemic. However, it has become the de facto national cemetery in recent years and there are many important Portuguese figures buried here.

The small chapel near the entrance has an exhibition space that could be worth having a look at. Otherwise, it’s quite nice to wander through the beautiful cemetery to the far end, where you’ll get spectacular views over the April the 25 Bridge and the Tagus River.

Prazeres Cemetery, Lisbon

When you’re done with all of that, it’s time to head back. Hopefully, you’ll find the queue much shorter here to get on the tram 28 and so you’ll be able to experience a ride on a piece of Lisbon’s history without wasting your time waiting.

Tips for riding the Tram 28 in Lisbon

So, I’ve tried my best to show you why you might like to walk the route of Tram 28. But I understand that it won’t be for everyone. Perhaps you don’t like the idea of walking that far, or perhaps you want the experience of being on the tram regardless.

If you are still intent on riding Lisbon’s Tram 28, there are a few things to consider to make it easier, because the crowds are going to be an issue and surely you don’t want to spend two hours of your holiday just standing in line for public transport.

So, here are a few tips for catching Lisbon’s Tram 28:

  • The Tram 28 goes from Martim Moniz to Prazeres. Most people will queue to get on at Martim Moniz but, if you can get to Prazeres and catch the tram from there, you won’t need to wait nearly as long.
  • One way to get to Prazeres to catch the return leg of Tram 28 is on Tram 25, which uses some of the same heritage wooden carriages. It’s also a scenic route and a good alternative if you want to save time.
  • Tram 28 is busiest from about 09:00 – 18:00. Although it’s hardly empty outside of those times, if you’re able to go a bit earlier or later in the day, you shouldn’t have to wait quite as long.
  • If you pay for a single ride on board the tram, it will cost €3.20. However, if you buy a 24-hour transport pass from a metro station, that will cost just €7. If you’re planning to do a bit of travel around the city that day, it’s worth getting the 24-hour pass (or even the Lisboa Card).

While some tourists will go the whole way on the tram, a lot of people get off somewhere along the way to explore a neighbourhood, so although it’ll be very crowded at the start, the tram gets a bit more comfortable as it goes on.

Where do I catch the Tram 28 in Lisbon?

Tram 28 starts at Martim Moniz on the edge of Baixa, and this is where most tourists will get on the tram. Although there are more than 30 stops along the route, it is very hard to get on the tram at many of them because the carriage will already be full.
The Tram 28 ends at Prazeres, from where the return journey then begins. If you catch the Tram 28 from Prazeres, you’ll find it much easier to get on and you won’t have to wait nearly as long (if at all).

How much does it cost to ride Lisbon’s Tram 28?

If you buy a single ticket for the Tram 28 onboard, it will cost €3.20 (regardless of how far you travel). If you have a prepaid transport card, the ride is €1.50. The Tram 28 will be free if you are using the Lisboa Card.

How long does it take to ride Lisbon’s Tram 28?

It takes between 50 minutes to an hour to travel the entire route of the Tram 28 onboard one of the carriages. Unlike the metro, the tram has to deal with traffic and obstacles, so the duration of each trip is a little different.

Another thing you might like to consider is a guided tour. There’s so much to see in Lisbon and being able to explore it with a local will introduce you to so many things you would miss otherwise. There are even tours that follow the Tram 28 route!

I think this 3-hour tour is one of the best experiences to show you the local side of the city (plus it’s great value). Or there are some other options to consider here:

If you need some suggestions for accommodation in Lisbon, I’ve also got some tips for that here:


I’ve got a detailed story about where to stay in Lisbon you can read, or have a look at some of these highlights in the city centre:


If you’re looking for a budget option, the Lost Inn Lisbon is right in the heart of the city.


For cheap private accommodation, there are some lovely guesthouses like City Lofts Lisbon.


If you’re interested in something with a bit more style, I would recommend the Lx Boutique Hotel.


And for some real luxury, have a look at the incredible Memmo Príncipe Real.

8 thoughts on “Damn, that tram is crammed!”

  1. Anyone who waits 2 hours to get on that tram is a moron. People get on, sit, and when there are no seats left, people just keep waiting for the next one to get a seat. Just skip the people who are waiting and get on the tram. You don’t get a seat immediately, but you might at the next stop.

    And it is possible to go inside the parliament building, I don’t remember exactly but I believe it’s once a month on the weekend. I’ve been inside twice.

    Otherwise, nice recap of the tram sequence.

  2. Take any of the trams (25) or buses (701, 709, 774) that go to Prazeres, and board the 28 there. The only other people waiting in line at Prazeres will be the people who just came off the 28, so the wait will be much much shorter, and you have a better chance of getting a seat instead of standing.

    (You can catch the 25 or 774 at Praca da Figueira or Praca do Comercio, and the 709 at Restauradores.)


  4. For those who don’t want to walk: board the tram at Campo Ourique! I was in Lisbon end of December 2019 and it was super busy with tourists. We only had to wait for about 10 minutes and we got a seat on the tram. Very comfortable and with the windows open great views alon the route. Crazy long queues at Martim Moniz and impossible to board the tram in the city centre!


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